Green superheroes 2030 DOCUMENTARY
Join an extraordinary team of 10 young environmentalists, aged 5 to 17, hailing from diverse corners of the globe, as they embark on a daring quest to rescue our planet. Armed with their boundless creativity and scientific curiosity, they devise groundbreaking environmental initiatives. Born into an era teetering on the brink of ecological crisis, where our oceans and landfills are choked by plastic, the rainforests and their animal life face relentless destruction, and our dependence on fossil fuels threatens Earth's very sustainability, these 10 Green SuperHeroes, some students of Jane Goodall, some with disabilities, invite us to witness their journey of hope. Together, they ignite a spark within us all, urging us to be part of the solution.

Our film follows a group of 10 young environmentalists dedicated to saving life on earth.
Their powers make our planet greener.
We are committed to using film as a powerful medium to spread our message and raise awareness about the importance of environmental conservation.
Our team is passionate about creating impactful films that inspire people to take action.
We strive to showcase the beauty of nature and the urgent need to protect it.
Join us in our mission to create a sustainable future for generations to come.
New Arrivals
New Arrivals
Host -actress
Mandeiya Flory is a talented actress and model, known for Beautiful Boy (2018), Men in Black: International (2019) and Best. Worst. Weekend. Ever. (2018).

When I think about the future, I can't help but wonder what kind of world will be waiting for kids like me. Will we still be able to swim in lakes and rivers in the summer? Will we still be able to taste fresh strawberries off the vine?
That's why I'm trying to learn as much as I can about climate change science, stories and solutions, and share what I learn with all of you. Together, we can decide what type of future we want for our planet and discover the power we have in shaping it.
Welcome to We The Children podcast, where we discuss climate change and solutions with experts and leaders. Let's work together to make a difference.
David Gil Bishop
David Gil Bisschop, Dutch, to a Dutch mother and Venezuelan father, was born in Caracas on April 16, 2009. In 2010, when he was barely one year old, the family moved to Holland, motivated by the political and economic situation in the country. Since then he has been educated and trained in Holland. From a very young age he was interested in and made videos and vlogs.
From the age of 10 he became interested in learning acting and did a first introductory level of theater at the “Meeuw Jonge Theatermakers” school in Leeuwarden, the city where he lives. Since then and until now he is in continuous training as an actor and writer in that school, this year he has been selected to go on a learning exchange with a theater school in Latvia.
His ambition is to become a professional in the world of cinema and become a film Director.
David is a 15-year-old young man, a secondary school and theater student. Speak, Dutch. Spanish and English. He is a teenager interested in learning, concerned about the environment and his health.